These are the only ways to change server regions in Halo Infinite at this time. This is unlikely to change soon, as developers are focused on much grander Halo Infinite issues.

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Here’s how to change server regions and reduce lag in Halo Infinite multiplayer on Xbox and PC: For PC:
Xbox players will need to head into their router settings, while PC players will have to fix the issue in their files. Since there is no way to change servers in-game, unlike in Halo: The Master Chief Collection, players will have to resort to more complex measures to choose their server region in Halo Infinite multiplayer. In this blog post, I’m going to step through how to. A common issue when you’re trying to SSH into your Linux VM for the first time is this error: .com: Permission denied (publickey). There is a fix for players who are looking to lock their server region to the region in which they live so they can have a smoother gameplay experience when it comes to connection. When you are working with Linux VMs (IaaS) in Azure, the most common way to access the VM is through Secure Shell (SSH). Related: Halo Infinite PC Settings Guide (Performance, Quality, & Speed) Or, you can click the Windows link to get this file.
Step 2: Click the button of Download App to get the installation file - CloudApp.msi. Step 1: Visit the official CloudApp Download page. Many European players who live in regions with a lower density of players are also reporting that their games have been laggy due to being put into servers with higher player counts, like North America's. How to download CloudApp for Windows PCs The operation is very easy. The reason for this is, even though a player's WiFi isn't having connectivity issues, Halo Infinite is putting the player in servers that are nowhere close to their region. Even players with great WiFi and low ping are reporting lag in certain matches.

Hitting consistent shots is the only way to get kills in Halo, but the first step in doing so is having a good WiFi connection. Lag and high ping are detrimental in any PvP first-person shooter game, but having both in Halo Infinite can make the game downright unplayable on online servers.